Need a Divorce during covid?


According to a recent article in the Herald Sun the corona virus pandemic and its enforced lock down restrictions are set to send Australia’s divorce rate skyrocketing. User Google searches for the search term ‘divorce’ has surged to their highest point in 12 months at the end of June, surpassing the usual spike after Christmas and new year.

Victoria’s lock down measures have taken its toll on everybody and there are times in life when a relationship gets to breaking point. Corona virus restrictions and ongoing job losses are having a knock on effect of pushing already struggling relationships over the edge. At Irvine Lawyers we understand these situations with our many years of experience and can safely step in to help you through the process as easily and stress free as possible. Divorce is a hard thing to accept, but sometimes when relationships are already struggling with financial pain, personal differences or even mental health problems something like a partner losing their job or income can send the situation into despair.

Irvine lawyers are specialists in family law, divorce and marriage breakups plus defacto separations. If you are in need of a divorce lawyer or attorney please don’t hesitate to call us today on 0481 217 711
