Divorce and Family Law Warrnambool
Are you going through a separation and need a divorce attorney? Offering expert Family Law services in the South West Victoria, including Warrnambool, Port Fairy, Mortlake, Koroit, Bushfield, Allansford and Terang.
We can provide assistance for a range of family law matters relating to family law and de facto relationships, including:
Marriage, De Facto and Divorce Law
- Prenuptial agreements (prenups)
- Divorce in Australia including preparing and serving divorce papers
- Legal separation issues
- Annulment of marriages
- Spousal maintenance
- Property settlements
- Binding Financial Agreements
- Domestic and family violence and apprehended violence orders (AVOs)
- Family Mediation
- Legal representation at Family Court
- Divorce Financial Agreement
Children’s issues
- Child support and enforcement of payments
- Parenting plans for child custody and visitation
- Parental rights, father’s rights and grandparent’s rights
- Guardianship of children
- Adoption
- Children’s Court
Contact us to arrange a consultation with one of our family lawyers.

Contact us to talk to one of our Warrnambool Lawyers today.